Sam | You Are Good | Student Video

Sam | You Are Good | Student Video


We would like you to meet Sam, an 11 year old student at Jammin’ Music Lessons. Sam has been taking lessons for over 2 years and is doing fantastic! With a lot of practice, and encouragement from his parents, he is now playing with the band in his church youth group and a couple weeks ago even played in the main sanctuary for the adult service! In this video Sam is playing “You Are Good” by Bethel Live. We’d like to give Sam a big “ATTA-BOY!” We are very proud of you!

If you would like to learn the song yourself, you can find the tab we created HERE and the chord chart HERE.

Playing in the main sanctuary with the adults

At Jammin’ Music Studios we strive to provide our students with the tools they need to succeed. This video is an excellent example of this as Sam and his instructor worked on the song beginning with the lead line, then adding power chords, the bridge part, and as time progressed he was playing with the recording. There were several important lessons learned during the process: keeping a steady rhythm, knowing the layout of the song, and memorizing the lead lines and chord shapes.

We work with many musicians who already play or would like to play at their local church. Our instruction focuses on developing the skills each student needs in order to play with others. Subjects we teach include keeping time, strumming patterns/techniques, transposition, using a capo, solo/lead lines, reading music, and music theory. These are all valuable skills for playing in a band setting.

Our instructors are all well qualified to help you and/or your child succeed at playing on your church worship team or with other musicians. All our staff members play on the worship team at their local church, as well as other venues, and many are also worship leaders. If you would like more information about lessons you can contact us here or call/text us at 360-701-3401. Keep Jammin’


  1. Great job Sam! I’m so impressed! Keep up your amazing hard work! 🙂 And good work, Joey! You are an incredible teacher!

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